Frequently Asked Questions 

What are some signs of domestic violence?

Emotional distress


Physical signs of injury

Signs of anxiety and fear

Change in appearance/self-esteem

Denial of harassment and injuries

Restricted transportation/outside activities

Manipulation by a partner


Social abuse


Is my relationship healthy?

Take the quiz.

Where can I seek help?

If you are in immediate danger, CALL 911 NOW.

Otherwise, call the Narika helpline 1-800-215-7308

What is the purpose of Narika’s helpline?

The purpose of Narika’s helpline is to deliver a responsive and effective response to survivors of domestic violence who may need advice, safety, legal or housing support, or who simply need someone to talk to.

Can I speak to someone in a different language since I have difficulty conversing in English?

Narika’s advocates speak multiple languages and we also have volunteers who speak multiple languages directed towards the South Asian community. Please call us regardless of your language ability.

How can a domestic violence advocate help?

Provide advocacy and create a safety plan.

Get information and referrals for local resources.

Advocate for clients through the judicial system and locate law enforcement.

Initiate and arrange for a shelter, low income housing and help with job necessities.

How can I support a friend or family member who is experiencing domestic violence?

Please provide the emotional support that they need and immediately refer them to Narika’s helpline number 1.800.215.7308 or to the police if they are in an emergency.