Domestic Violence Helpline & Case Management
If you are experiencing or have experienced domestic violence. Call us.
If you are in an emergency, call 9-1-1.
Narika’s confidential, toll-free Helpline 1-800-215-7308 enables any individual who has been a victim of domestic violence to call in and speak to any one of our sensitive and knowledgeable advocates. Our helpline is a one-of-a-kind access and forum for people, particularly immigrants from the South Asian communities, to confidentially connect with advocates who not only speak their language but also provide immediate assistance in a culturally sensitive and non-judgmental manner. Narika’s advocates not only help with legal, housing, counseling, benefits and job referrals but also provide interpretation and accompaniments for our clients.
Individuals are encouraged to call in not only if they are experiencing physical or verbal abuse, but also if they are experiencing other forms of suppression such as isolation, financial abuse, mental abuse, familial pressures and anxiety.
The advocacy work at Narika is extremely thorough and we make sure all our clients believe in our mission and we work extremely hard to make them strong and unleash their true potential. Narika’s advocates believe that every individual has the right to live safely and peacefully and especially women need to be empowered and educated to do so.
Last year alone, Narika’s advocates fielded over 1500 calls and emails to our Helpline, majority of them being requests for assistance from South Asian women who were survivors of some form of domestic violence either by partners or their families. Almost 200 families were helped through our extensive network of referral services.
Narika works in close collaboration with many partners and community organizations. Their support and partnership allows us to sustain an effective advocacy program, enabling us to offer timely and appropriate help to our clients. We thank all our collaborators and hope for continued partnerships that strengthen our community, especially our women.
Our helpline staff can also be reached at 1-800-215-7308 or 1-510-444-6048.
““I can’t thank you enough for all the support and help you have provided me. I am so glad I answered your call that day. You made me realize that there is hope in my life and showed me a path to get out of this toxic relationship. My sincere thank you.”
“Thank you for all the prayers and well wishes. I’m so so grateful for you and everybody from Narika. Narika is the reason I’m alive and I’m forever grateful for you all. Thank you. ”